Dedicated to women being in control of their lives, Count Me In Revival, supports you in the growth of your business. Through life changing courses, access to coaching and a welcoming sisterhood of ambitious women we help you succeed. Count Me In Revival provides a step-by-step system for continuous business growth that allows you to do the work you love.
Meet Count Me In Founder & President, Nell Merlino. A renowned, creative leader, Nell Merlino is a pathfinder with women and girls to greater visibility, value and respect in the workplace, in our own businesses and in the media where her actions generate millions of mentions.
Nell Merlino is actively engaged in the continuous growth and transformation of her body, mind, spirit and her business. Currently she is creating collages of women that delight as a visual memoir and serves as the President of Count Me In Revival, where she coaches and teaches business growth for women with wisdom and experience who are new to owning a business and want to avoid those rookie errors.
The week of her 40th birthday (1993) Nell mobilized millions of people across the country to make girls feel welcomed and heard through Take Our Daughters to Work Day which she created with the Ms. Foundation for Women, founded by Gloria Steinem. In 1995, Nell launched the YWCA Week Without Violence which engaged citizens in problem solving alternatives to violence across America. That same year she directed communications for the NGO Forum on Women in Beijing’95, the largest gathering of women ever held in the world with 40,000 women from 180 countries in attendance along with 5,000 journalists.
In her 50’s Nell built Count Me In for Women’s Economic Independence to help women grow their own business with better access to financing, coaching and sisterhood. The first online micro lender Count Me In challenged women to think bigger. In 2006, she launched the Make Mine a Million $ Business Competitions with American Express and Senator Hillary Clinton to showcase the innovation and ambition of women business owners across the country. Women Veteran Entrepreneur Corp was founded in 2012 with Capitol One to help women in military families grow businesses.
Globally, Nell has served as a US State Department Pathways Envoy for Women’s Entrepreneurship (2009-2011) throughout Central America, a Judge on the North American Panel for Cartier Women’s Initiative (2011-2017) that awards financing to innovative women entrepreneurs with sustainable business and for Walmart served on their Women’s Economic Empowerment Committee (2011- 2014) to help female suppliers secure $20 billion in contracts.
Count Me In Revival was launched with generous support from Smart & Sexy Intimates in 2020 to support the survival, transformation and ongoing growth of women-owned businesses faced with the challenges of COVID, climate change and racial injustice.
Nell has appeared in many books about women’s leadership and business including Remarkable Women of the 20th Century and The Female Lead. A published author, Nell’s book, “Stepping Out of Line: Lessons for Women Who Want It Their Way in Life, Love and at Work”, Broadway Books is available in Amazon.