Your one-page business plan is a central part of your business. Our President, Nell Merlino, says it best in this Youtube clip: “you need one page that gets you focused, that you can share it with someone and say, this is what I’m thinking of doing, what do you think?”
1. Running your company without a One Page Business Plan is like taking a car trip to a new place without GPS.
2. If you are working IN your business overwhelmed by the day-to-day details, writing a One Page Business Plan helps you start working ON your business as the CEO.
3. Gain clarity of your Purpose, Vision and Mission because they guide your business growth.
4. Know the Why, What, How and Who of making your products and services available to customers including Strategies, Objectives and an Action Plan.
5. Spend precious thinking, research, reflecting and projecting time while doing minimal writing. Everything fits on one page!
6. The existence of your One Page Plan increases your opportunity to get help and advice because you can show people exactly what you are currently doing and your plans
7. With a on- page plan you can find out faster what is working and not working
8. Because it is only one page, when you learn something new you can easily rewrite the plan.
9. You can share the One Page Plan with your employees, so they know how to help make it a reality.
10. The One Page Business Plan keeps you accountable because you wrote it down and keep it in a place where you can easily see it every day. When you have reached the goals and objectives described in the current plan, it’s time to write a new one with input from your team/and or employees.
If you’re ready to get started building your one page business plan, you can download the module from our Business Hell to CEO Heaven Course. 👇🏼